Choosing the First Language for Reading in a Bilingual Family

reading May 13, 2024


For bilingual families, the journey of teaching a child to read is often filled with questions and considerations, one of the foremost being: Which language should be taught first? This decision holds significance as it can impact a child's language development, cognitive skills, and overall literacy. There unfortunately is not an answer that fits all situations! Ultimately it's up to you as parents to weigh the pros and cons of each language and decide.

Let's dlve into some factors to consider when making this choice.

The language predominantly spoken at home plays a crucial role. If one language is used more frequently or is considered the family's primary language, it might be beneficial to start with that language for reading. This choice aligns with the child's everyday communication environment, reinforcing language skills effectively. Spoken language is an important building block for reading so if your child is significantly better at speaking in one language versus the other then it could be beneficial to start reading instruction with the stronger spoken language. 


Consider the language of instruction at the child's school. If the school primarily uses a language different from the home language, introducing reading in that school language early on can ease the child's academic transition and enhance their educational progress. On the other hand if you know that the child will be learning to read in a language at school then you may consider teaching reading in the other language at home. 


Language is not just a means of communication but also a carrier of culture, identity, and emotions. Choosing the language that connects the child more deeply to their cultural heritage or that evokes positive emotions can foster a stronger bond with reading and learning.


Each child is unique, and their learning journey should be tailored to their needs. Some children might naturally gravitate towards one language over another, showing more interest and enthusiasm. Observing their preferences can guide the decision-making process.


Consider the family's long-term language goals. Will proficiency in both languages be equally important in the future? Which language will be most influential in your child's immediate success and long term success. Planning ahead can help in structuring reading instruction to support balanced language development over time.



In conclusion, the decision of which language to teach reading first in a bilingual family is multifaceted and should consider factors such as home language dominance, schooling language, cultural connections, individual child preferences, long-term goals. Make sure that whichever language you start reading with, the child becomes comfortable in reading that language before adding another language to avoid confusion or frustration. Nurturing a love for reading and learning in both languages lays a strong foundation for a child's linguistic and cognitive development.

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