Toddler Behavior Management

Struggling With Your Toddler's Behavior?

Learn the best disciplining techniques Montessori has to offer from a 3rd generation Montessori guide and mom of 2! Learn what your child's behavior means and how to manage it!

What You'll Get:

✓ Hours of video lessons from a Montessori trained Guide 

✓ Step-by-step instructions

✓ Free Printables 

✓ Lifetime access

✓ Self-guided videos


Module 1: Introduction

  •  Learn more about me and my background and what to expect in this course.

Module 2: Preparing Yourself

  • Learn about how to mentally, emotionally and physically prepare yourself to best meet your child's needs. 

  • Learn about emotional regulation and how to regulate your own emotions. 

  • Learn how to discern the underlying problem of the behavior.

Module 3: Prevention Techniques

  • Learn how to stop the behavior before it happens.
  • Learn prevention techniques that help prevent unwanted behavior.

Module 4: Intervention Techniques

  • Learn how to intervene in unwanted behaviors.

  • How to manage a tantrum.

  • How to redirect behavior.
  • How to use consequences appropriately.

Module 5: Persuasive Techniques

  • Learn how to use persuasive techniques to help your child listen. 

  • How to encourage cooperation. 

Module 6: Common Toddler Behaviors

  • Learn how to manage common toddler behaviors such as hitting, yelling, throwing, running away...etc

  • 15 common scenarios and what to do. 

Note: There is no physical product being sold or sent. Once purchase you gain access to the online course content. 

$99.00 USD